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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Blade Runner

i just finished watching Blade runner for the first time. its a pretty sweet flick. it really made me think and i figured i go on a rant...

the thing that struck me most was a quote in the film about fear. near the end of the movie replica (android) tells harrison ford's character that "living in fear is what it means to be a slave."

our society has become an increasingly fear based culture. whether it be blatently by the "war on terror" or "war on drugs" or in how products are sold in the main stream. advertisments tend to play on our insecurities. by telling us how we are lacking, not beatuiful, not owning, too wrinkly, too bald, too unclean or whatever else, they make us feel less than whole... then its easy to sell us our salvation i.e. a new car, botox, hair gel. this system makes us its slaves but only works if we are affraid of its charges.

this theme feels familiar to me as basically christian. in the bible we learn of our imperect state due to adam and eve's origional sin, we learn we must be given commandments to make us moral and we are called to be fearful of our creater. we then find our salvation the christ jesus. sounds like the model for a great adverstising or political campaign....

if we choose however, to live a life where we understand our fears and emotions, we are set free of needing something to be given to us to make us whole (i dont think botox works forever). we may achieve this ourselves through practice, awareness and personal reflection... buddhism speaks largely to this.

love is the opposite of fear, and loving without fear is the path to ultimate freedom.

anyway.... Blade Runner is a sick movie and fear is the devise that conrols us best... reach to the light and know your emotions.

love and light

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