The shred has officially been reincarnated HERE.  New functionality and expanded means of sharing ideas and media are available and continuing to be developed.  Please send an email to Phil, Taka or Jason if you would like an invitation to the new playground.  Namaste

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Electric Sheep

This total dominating rager from Devon, England told me about this awesome screen saver in the midst of a heavy (heady) convo yesterday. Click the title link to transport yourself there through the fractal tunnel of information known as the interweb. Much love to everyone, take a few extra drops for me at the Bloom. Untz.

"Electric Sheep is a free, open source screen saver created by Scott Draves. It's run by thousands of people all over the world, and can be installed on any ordinary PC or Mac. When these computers "sleep", the screen saver comes on and the computers communicate with each other by the internet to share the work of creating morphing abstract animations known as "sheep". The result is a collective "android dream", an homage to Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?.

Anyone watching one of these computers may vote for their favorite animations using the keyboard. The more popular sheep live longer and reproduce according to a genetic algorithm with mutation and cross-over. Hence the flock evolves to please its global audience. You can also design your own sheep and submit them to the gene pool."

2 comments: said...


Dr. Jonathan Mall said...

one of my fav screensavers as well. BTW. I am in Devon (Exeter) right now as well--- the world is small.

There's a big private rave this coming?