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Saturday, May 24, 2008

zabba what's a seashell?

i know that animals live in them but where do they come from? what are they made of? does the ocean make them? why are they so pretty?

i dont know if you know the answers to any of these questions but i figured you were my best bet

p.s. australia has some pretty cool rocks, and a really big one called uluru...makes me think of you!


perpetuallyphil said...

zabba dont care said...

why are they so pretty?

zabba said...

First of all, phil shut your fingers. Second of all: organisms can take ions from sea water, mainly calcium or silica, and then secrete them to make a hard shell (we do the same thing to make finger nails, teeth and hair). For instance, calcium can not precipitate below a certain depth (~4500 m), due to pressure. That makes calcium easy to filter from sea water for say, nautilus'. The irridesant portion of a shell can be composed of aragonite (CaCO3) or opal (SiO2) among others, but these being the most common. The irridesence is a function of light refraction. The crystal structure (or lack there of, opal is not a crystal) bends the light as it enters and exits, similar to a prism. Hope that explains some stuff.

tlt said...

wow. isn't he so smart?

EaZyE said...

Hue rock Zabba!
Phil... Be gneiss!