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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Anyone down for a camping trip on June 11

We were thinking of a camp trip up the Pouder for Torreys Birthday celebration. Maybe try and fit a raft trip on the river?!?! We could go on Wednesday and maybe stay for a couple of nights. We are open to suggestions (especially from Torrey) if there is any other places we should check out. I hope that everyone who is in town is able to make it!!!


tlt said...

oh my god yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!yayayaya! i have no suggestions besides:
sunshine wheat
all of your smilin faces

Anonymous said...

damn, i have summer school :( so does evan....
but i cant wait to see u trover!!!! xoxo

tlt said...

i just remembered chris said something to me about the ranch.... that could be an option as well. but i understand if people's work schedules don't really mesh... just puttin it out there said...

trough-vair gonna be moving to buena vista on friday for a few weeks...i heard there is a river floatable called ark down there...o and the SW CHAM and the whole grain wheats

Shlly said...

I am fully down to head to Buena Vista again and do a little camping and a little rafting, we have a new friend that can take us named josh and he likes to have a great time on the river!!!! The middle of the week works best for me and we should maybe do it on torreys birthday!

Ronald Rage-n said...

I was just in buena vista thursday thru saturday; camping and rafting, the river is HUGE right now. SO much water. i met somebody named josh that works at the adventure comapany....same josh? If you guys camp, definately go to cottonwood lake campground....we enjoyed our stay there. _Noah