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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Changing Channels

this article really spoke to me the other day when i stumbled upon it. in a somewhat basic way at times, the article address many of the thoughts, ideas and issues surrounding a shift in consciousness via many vehicles. while it is a somewhat short discourse, it really includes a lot of information to build from....

"With higher frequencies permeating the entire body-mind system, the carrier wave permits a higher density of information to be perceived. New layers of reality unfold, the imagination realizes its true creative potential and the harmonic hologram of life performs another exquisite symphony. The Spirit waits expectantly."

check it if you wish:
Changing Channels: Tuning into the REAL world



jason_dozemay said...

good shit. 'the field' pops up in the dialogue riss posted as well.....ONENESS around the corner...... said...

empty the cup and then help your neighbor said...

Your cup*