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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Learn About The Evils of Consumerism in 20 Minutes!

The Story of Stuff is an amazingly well-done video about the state of our consumer culture and how it's leading to the gory end of our planet. It takes 20 minutes to watch, and it's guaranteed to enlighten, enrage and empower you to make a change for the sustainability of our society. I know it's finals time for many of you and the last thing you want to watch is a depressing lecture about how we're slowly killing ourselves off, but it's very important that we keep climate change fresh in our minds as we move forward into a more crowded and corporate-dominated future.

It's crucial that we take steps in our daily lives to limit the amount of goods and energy that we consume. Take a moment while you're eating a meal or getting ready in the morning. Open your mind to this incredible short film about the linear consumer system we've adopted and think about the ways we can put a stop to our wasteful habits before it's too late.